Apr 29, 2011

Snack Squad's Milk Taste!

Snack Squad was put to the test to see if they could guess what type of milk they were drinking.

But before testing Snack Squad had to fill out a sheet together to learn how to read milk labels. They had to figure out what milk had the most sugar or which milk had the most vitamins.

They also had to determine if the serving size was the amount they used. Was it too much milk or just enough or not enough?

Now it was time for the tasting!

Snack Squad trying to determine what milk it was ( it was organic soy milk!)

At the end they wrote down a number to each milk they tested & got almost all of them right! Great job Snack Squad!

Apr 27, 2011

The Red Ballons at Whole Foods!

The Red Group also known as the Red Balloons had a great trip to Whole Foods!

When the Red Balloons arrived they were greeted by Jennifer who was going to be our guide for the day! Jennifer started of by talking to the Red Balloons about seeds!

Jennifer showed us how lettuce & pea seeds looked like. "They look so small!" said the Red Balloons amazed at what pea seeds look like.

We then traveled to where the produce section where we met David! David talked to us about organic produce and what it meant and why it was healthier for you.

He then treated the Red Balloons to strawberries, blueberries & grapes!

Yum! Looks healthy & delicious!

After visiting the fresh produce we headed over to the cheese where we met Jenn who is in charged of the cheese department. She asked the Red Balloons what animals made milk and what foods had milk in them & rewarded everyone with organic string cheese!

Did you know that Whole foods has over 300 different types of cheese?!

We then headed over to Isaiah where he showed us the different types of fish they had and even showed us how big some fishes mouths were!

Red Balloons ended the day by going through checkout where we left with a little organic treat!

Apr 8, 2011

Finale at Sociale!

On Friday April 8, 2011 Snack Squad went on a great adventure to Cafe Sociale for a Celebration of completing Snack Squad! When we arrived Tia (the owner & head chef) gave Snack Squad a tour of her kitchen and introduced us to her sous chefs. She then proceeded to show Snack Squad how she would prepare the meal. Snack Squad had a chance to help Tia cook the vegetables and help cook the pasta. After preparing the lovely dish Snack Squad got done to work by eating their dish! "Yum" was all we heard while Snack Squad ate their dish. Tia ended the day by bringing out some of her famous chocolate cake!

3665 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94118-1709
(415) 921-3200

Zarianna & Cailey excited to go inside!

Tia explains to Snack Squad what running a kitchen means.

Tia cuts some asparagus to add into the pasta!

Snack Squad tosses the asparagus in the pan for the lovely pasta.

Tia shows Snack Squad how to use multiple pans at one time.

Tia throws some cheese on the pasta to finish it up!

*Ding ding! Order up!!

Snack Squad smiling with their finished pasta!

Snack Squad even got a chance to name their past! Divertiti (Enjoy) Snack Squad Pasta!

Tia even brought out some of her famous chocolate cake! Yuiche buono! (Yum!)

Snack Squad leaves with smiles and a full belly!!

Snack Squad tries Dragon Fruit!

Amanda from Addis Light explaining that dragon fruit is among the most nutritious and wonderful exotic fruits.

Did you know that dragon fruit is native to Central America?

Cailey examining the dragon fruit

Now time to eat! Yum!