Feb 20, 2011

After School Green Thumbs - In The McKinley Community Garden

Snack Squad Goes To The Butcher!

On Thursday February 17th the Snack Squad took a trip to visit Avedanos, a Bernal Heights butcher shop.

This community culinary hub is ran by familiar face - McKinley 1st grade parent Tia Harrison.

Tia shows Snack Squad the inside of her walk in refrigerator. It was very chilly to keep the meat fresh!

Tia also showed us the inside of the kitchen where they do some cooking! But before any cooking we saw all the knives Tia would use to cut meat.

Tia giving Snack Squad some prosciutto to try! Molto bene! (Very good!)

Snack Squad Quick Recipe - Easy Bake Kale Chips

For a quick, delicious, and healthy snack try the following Snack Squad approved treat...

2T olive oil
1 bunch dino kale
salt and pepper to taste
1. pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
2. rip or cut kale into 2” pieces and coat with oil and salt and pepper to taste
3. bake kale for around 10 mins, turning when it dries out and before it turns brown
4. take out of oven and enjoy while warm.

(If you don’t eat at once you can always  put back in the oven to re-crisp later on)

Jan./Feb. 2011 Snack Squad Profile

Every 8 weeks a different group of 4th and 5th graders take on the Snack Squad pledge. Here is a list of ASEP’s Jan./Feb. 2011 Snack Squad and their favorite healthy foods to eat. 
Steven Ingram: 
Pineapples/Grapes/Green Apples

Monica Flores
Fruit Salad/Mangos

Carlica Tolentino
Banana/All typess of berries

Dia Contreras:

Collin Wong:

Breanna Chin

Elijah Wallace
Bananas/Chef Salad/Grapes

Mateo Baduske

Family Nutrition Night - Feb. 23rd

Breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day for students!...Starting them out with a healthy dose of energy and nutrition or slowing their mind and bodies down, making it hard for them to learn.

That's why ASEP's Health and Wellness Program is hosting a Family Nutrition Night, Wednesday Feb. 23rd in McKinley's Cafegymatorium.  Come join us for an evening of tasty food, fun activities, and resources.

Community Heath Specialist Jan McCullough will be leading a cooking demonstration and dinner will be provided by one of McKinley's resident chefs, Linnell Williams.

Date: Wednesday Feb. 23rd
Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Where: McKinley Cafe
This event is open to the entire community and is FREE!!!

Lunch Time PLay Program Turns 2!

Did you know that McKinley's one of a kind lunchtime play program is back for it's third year in a row?

The program was started as a collaboration between Principal Rosa Fong, and California Pacific Medical Center, and has been developed by Michael Simpson (Joy of Sports) and Mike Tortorelli (ASEP Health and Wellness Coordinator). It is now most ably directed and facilitated by our wonderful ASEP staff. 
The program was created to provide structure during the lunch-play period, to make the playground a safe and all- inclusive environment, and continue the tradition the Health Champion program had begun. In addition, the program helps to ensure children are meeting their mandatory PE minute requirements and also addresses the concerns of  having sufficient supervision on the playground.  

Chefs In Training Spring Camp

This Spring Break ASEP's Health and Wellness Program, along with several of our community partners are hosting a week full of adventures in healthy food!  Participants will learn about our food system and will gain hands-on experience in the garden, kitchen, and dining room!

Activities will concentrate on food fundamentals like kitchen and food safety, reading labels, following recipes, preparation, etc.

McKinley students of all grade levels and with dietary concerns are warmly welcome! 

The application deadline is Monday Feb. 28th. Space is limited, so please don't wait long to sign up!

Taste Testing

Snack Squad participants taste and talk about the difference between organic and non-organic apples during a guest presentation from our friend and Rainbow Grocery employee Vanessa.

We're still taste testing with our new blog, trying our different tools and features. It might take some time for things to mellow out. Thanks for your patience as we settle in.

Our first post!

Hey McKinley Community!

Stayed tuned for regular updates on all the fun things ASEP's Health and Wellness Program are up too.

The goal of our blog is to give you a taste of all our basic endeavors, from our Lunchtime Play Program, to the Snack Squad, to our work with our community partners!

We'd love to hear from you! Please share any feedback or let us know if you have any questions. Thanks for reading...spread the word and enjoy!

Have you had enough water today?
ASEP Health & Wellness Program